Other Gadget Repair Services
Techy Gilroy repairs any kind of electronic gadget. If it is electronic, Techy Gilroy has the equipment and expertise to diagnose and repair your electroinc device. Types of electronics we service include televisions, radios, printers, monitors, bluetooth devices, computer peripherals, scanners, fax machines, keyboards, mice, speakers, receivers, tape decks, CD roms, blueray players, DVD players, record players, cassette decks, screen printers, remote controls, and more!
Affordable Repairs

Electronic gadgets can be expensive, and we have come to rely on them as a daily part of our lives. Repairing them should be an affordable option, and Techy Gilroy is here to provide that service. Bring us your defective electronic and we can get it working again at an affordable price.
Fast Service

At Techy Gilroy, we know your time is valuable, and it's our goal to get your device repaired and back in your hands as soon as possible. We'll provide you with updates as needed, and will contact you when it's ready for pickup. What can we repair for you?
Experienced Staff

Our senior staff has a background in electrical engineering, and is trained to diagnose any electronic issue. We have the diagnostic equipment and experience to solve any electrical challenge. Come see us today!